Notice of Public Hearing - 2024-09-19

Pursuant to Education Code section 60119, the Fresno County Board of Education annually holds a public hearing to obtain input from parents, teachers, staff, and community members regarding whether each pupil enrolled in Fresno County Court and Community Schools or Special Education Programs, has, or will have sufficient textbooks or instructional materials in each subject consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework, adopted by the State Board of Education.

Sufficient textbooks and instructional materials mean that such books and materials were provided to each student, including English learners that are aligned to the academic content standards and consistent with the cycles and content of the curriculum frameworks adopted by the State Board of Education in the subject areas mathematics, science, history-social science, English-language arts, world language, and health.

The public hearing regarding the sufficiency or insufficiency of Instructional Materials will be held Thursday, September 19, 2024, at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fresno County Board of Education. The Public Hearing will commence no earlier than 4:30 p.m., or as close to the time as the business of the County Board permits at:

Fresno County Office of Education
1111 Van Ness, Room 301
Fresno, California

Immediately following the public hearing, the Board will consider the adoption of Resolution No. 2024-30.

Download the Public Notice