Fresno County School Trustees Association

President’s Message


The Fresno County School Trustees Association (FCTSA) is here to collaborate with school trustees across our county to preserve, advance and improve public education. Students are our priority as we work together to ensure our schools provide safe and supportive environments with high quality teaching for better student learning.

This webpage provides you with information about the organization, how we are governed, a schedule of upcoming meetings and much more.

We encourage you, school trustees, to join us to network with fellow leaders and educators and continue your learning to better serve Fresno County students and communities.

 Our Board of Directors seeks your suggestions as to how we can enhance our collective work and looks forward to seeing you at our meetings and events.

 In service,

Marcy Masumoto, Ed.D., President
Fresno County School Trustees Association


To preserve, advance and improve public education in Fresno County.

What is the Fresno County School Trustees Association?

Founded in the 1930’s, the Fresno County School Trustees Association is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to support effective governance of local school boards and provide support to area trustees as they advocate for a quality education for the students in their communities. The association membership is comprised of duly elected school board members who represent the 31 school districts in Fresno County, the Fresno County Board of Education, State Center Community College District and West Hills Community College District.