Migrant Education
Migrant Education
RFP for Provision of Direct Instructional Services for the Migrant Education Locally Developed Programs
The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, Migrant Education Program, is seeking proposals from qualified persons or firms to serve as a service provider of locally developed programs. These programs are designed, implemented, and evaluated through the collaborative efforts of MEP staff at the regional offices, and educators at the school and district levels, whenever possible. Every effort is made to bae the content and methodology of the programs on the needs of migratory children and their families.
RFP for Migrant Needs Assessment
The Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, Migrant Education Program, is seeking proposals from qualified persons or firms to serve as an evaluator to provide a Comprehensive Needs Assessment as that term is used by the California Department of Education in relation to its grants program for such purposes.
Migrant Identification and Recruitment In-Service
Migrant Identification and Recruitment In-Service
Migrant Identification and Recruitment In-Service
Migrant Identification and Recruitment In-Service
Regional Migrant Identification/Recruitment and In-Service
Migrant Honor Student Recognition Banquet
The Migrant Honor Student Recognition Banquet will be held at TorNino's Banquets Hall on May 11, 2012. This event is hosted by our Migrant Education Office. Approximately, 15 High School Seniors (migrant students) throughout Fresno County will be honored and awarded a scholarship. The Region IV Parent Advisory Council, in collaboration with local partners and sponsors raise money to assist our students as they take on the challenge of higher education opportunities.
State Migrant Parent Conference
The State Migrant Parent Conference will be held at the Westin LAX on March 16 -18, 2012. This event is hosted by the Department of Education, Migrant Education Program Office. Approximately, 1,000 Migrant Parents throughout California attend this conference. Parents learn about the educational programs, strategies, and resources that will build on their capacity to be involved in the education of their children.