Notice of Public Hearing - 2025-2030 Renewal Charter Petition for Career Technical Education Charter High School
Education Code 47605(b) requires that the authorizing governing board hold a public hearing on the charter petition no later than 60 days after receiving a petition to consider the level of support for the petition by teachers employed by the school district, other employees of the school district, and parents.
The Fresno County Board of Education (“County Board”) shall hold a Public Hearing on the renewal charter petition of Career Technical Education Charter (CTEC) High School to consider the level of support for the petition by teachers employed by the school district, other employees of the school district, and parents.
Lead petitioner Dr. Michele Copher-Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, is applying to the Fresno County Board of Education (FCBE) on behalf of CTEC to renew its charter school. The Renewal Petition, submitted to the FCBE on January 23, 2025, covers the period from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2030. Each member of the FCBE has received a copy of the Renewal Petition and appendices. The charter committee is reviewing the charter petition and will prepare a staff report with a recommendation ahead of the March County Board meeting.
The Public Hearing will commence no earlier than 1:30 p.m., or as close to the time as the business of the County Board permits at:
Fresno County Office of Education
1111 Van Ness, Room 301
Fresno, California