Excellence Recognition Programs
Awards honoring exemplary students, teachers, classified employees and schools for achievement and for advancing excellence in education.
Operation Diploma
Operation Diploma, a Fresno County Superintendent of Schools program in partnership with Clovis Veterans Memorial District and the Japanese American Citizens League, provides diplomas to those in our community whose high school education was interrupted due to wartime circumstances.
National Blue Ribbon Schools
A federal No Child Left Behind program that celebrates many of America's most successful schools. Its goal is to promote and support the improvement of education in America.
California Distinguished Schools Programs
Established by the California Department of Education, the California Distinguished Schools Program recognizes schools that demonstrate exemplary achievements.
Civic Learning Award
Co-sponsored by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the California Chief Justice in partnership with the California Department of Education, the Civic Learning Award recognizes and values the important role of public schools in preparing students for participation in our democracy.
Title 1 Academic Achievement Award
The Academic Achievement Award Program honors Title I schools that have demonstrated success in significantly closing the achievement gap between high and low-performing students.
Foundation Innovation Awards
Each year, the Foundation @ FCOE awards one Innovation Grant per school district for an innovative project or program that promotes student development and achievement.
Golden Bell
The California School Boards Association’s Golden Bell Awards promotes excellence in education and school board governance by recognizing outstanding programs and governance practices of school boards in districts and county offices of education throughout California.
Fresno County Educator of the Year Awards
Each year the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools proudly recognizes the outstanding achievements of Fresno County teachers, school administrators and school employees.
Seal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district or state in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.
California Exemplary Arts Education Award
Recognizes some of California’s exemplary schools for excellence in Arts Education. Schools selected for the Exemplary Arts Education Award demonstrate broad-based achievement in Arts instruction and for advancing the Arts for all students.
California Exemplary Dual-Enrollment Award
Recognizes schools for their exemplary dual-enrollment programming that provides opportunities to enroll in and earn college credits while in high school. Schools selected for this award demonstrate quality, equity driven dual-enrollment programs.
California Green Ribbon Schools Program
Honors schools and school districts for excellence in whole-school sustainability: Reduced environmental impact and cost; improved health and wellness; and exemplary environmental education, including STEM, civic skills, and green career pathways.
Golden State Seal Merit Diploma
To be eligible for the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, students must be receiving a high school diploma from their district and have earned designated results on six qualifying examinations.
Model Community Day School Recognition Program
Identifies and recognizes outstanding community day school programs and creates a resource list of exemplary programs for school visitations and mentoring.
Schools to Watch
An award for high-performing model middle schools that are academically engaging, developmentally sensitive, socially equitable and have a culture of collaborative leadership.