KSEP Teacher Training Video

What is the KSEP and why is it important to Fresno County?
The Kindergarten Student Entrance Profile (KSEP) is a 13-item screening tool designed to assess a child’s school readiness through observational ratings of 6 social-emotional and 7 school-ready knowledge items in the following areas:

  • Cognitive/academic/language ability.
  • Social-emotional development and behaviors.
  • Persistence and ability to focus.

Fresno began using the KSEP the 2012-13 school year and now has 4 years of data on the readiness factors of children entering kindergarten. In 2015, 38% of children in Fresno were ready to enter Kindergarten.This single metric captured county-wide allows us to:

  • Understand where to direct more resources and track their impact.
  • Participate in important county-wide initiatives with partners pursuing a collective impact for the most at-risk youth.
  • Assist teachers in understanding which students are at-risk and should receive more careful observation and monitoring throughout the year.

How is the KSEP administered?
After teachers observe students for at least 3 weeks, each child is rated on the 13 items utilizing a rubric to promote consistency.

How is data collected and reported?
All individual data should be entered into the district data system per direction of the individual district.  Should the district choose to participate in the 2016 KSEP county data collection, the district data representative will submit data to FCOE to allow for a county-wide aggregation of scores. Most districts use Illuminate for this process, but some may have alternate systems. Contact Dr. Corey Greenlaw at 559-265-3098 ext. 3193 to coordinate.

Within three weeks of submitting student data, reports will be generated. It is FCOE’s intent to collect only de-identified district data for the purposes of studying trends and patterns of demographic groups. Only county level aggregated data will be reported and shared with partners, as well as presented for the purposes of attracting resources to Fresno County.

Professional development for kindergarten and transitional kindergarten teachers on KSEP is now available. The two-hour session will address the purpose and implementation of the county-wide plan; provide orientation to the KSEP tool and scoring rubric; and guide participants on data input and data reporting.

Participants need only attend one two-hour session.  All sessions will be held at the Fresno County Office of Education from 2-4 PM. Click date below to register.

August 16
August 23

Download the informational professional development flyer.

Dr. Michele Cantwell-Copher, Administrator
Educational Leadership and Development