Network #1 Meeting
Please have the following tasks complete prior to this meeting:
1. Complete your State Consent form
- Visit:, Click on “BTSA PT Consent”
- Read and follow the directions carefully.
- Start a new consent form.
- Click on Item Number 2’s “Continue”
- Identify your county, district, and school. Choose #304, Fresno COE BTSA
- After answering all questions about yourself, make sure to hit “SAVE”.
2. Sign up for Network #1, Network #2, and Network #3 Meetings
- Refer to your Digital Portfolio User Guide for directions
Note: You must sign up for Network #2 with your Support Provider
3. Upload CDE’s 2012-2013 School Quality Snapshot
- Upload into “School and District Information/Resources” (A-3) on Digital Portfolio
See handout: ”How to Locate School Quality Snapshot in Data Quest”