Adult Transition Program receives Hands Across the Valley award

The Fresno County Office of Education’s Adult Transition Program was selected the School Volunteer Group of the Year by the 46th Annual Hands Across the Valley Volunteer Awards hosted by Hands On Central California. The FCOE program was nominated for this prestigious award by Sarah Pedelty of Community Food Bank and selected by a panel of judges. Hands Across the Valley is an annual award event in which organizations, businesses and the community come together and nominate a volunteer for the outstanding contributions they give to the community.

FCOE’s Adult Transition Program is provided to assist students with moderate to severe developmental delays, transitioning from high school to adult life. Five Adult Transition classes volunteer weekly at the Community Food Bank doing various tasks from bagging produce to assembling holiday food packages. The students are not only volunteering in the community, but this also helps them with behavioral skills and work habits that will carry over to their home lives. Teacher Myra Coble said, “These students are always the recipients of help from others, but this program gives them the chance to give back to the community and every child can participate.”