Barragan honored as August Employee of the Month

Barragan honored as August Employee of the Month

It is with pleasure that we honor Greg Barragan, Career Technical Education Instructor with Court Schools, as the August 2018 Employee of the Month.

Greg’s class is like a well-coached athletic team. His students work extremely well together and are treated as if they are his own children. Greg, or Mr. B as his students call him, excels at teaching three important skills.

His first skill is that he is an incredible welding instructor. Approximately 50 students have earned welding certifications in the last few years. In February 2015 during his first year of teaching on campus, Greg’s students beamed with pride to learn that they were the chartering CTE welding class for Court Schools.

Second, Greg teaches students important life skills necessary for success. On any given day upon visiting his classroom, there is both evidence of student knowledge of how to weld and also how to keep a job.

Finally, Greg cultivates industry relationships to assist his students with interview preparation and employment. The individual mentoring he provides to help students through tough times has been affirmed regularly by former students and agency representatives. In the last three years, more than 40 students have landed welding jobs.

“I have worked with at-risk students for 27 years,” said colleague Mike Lepore. “I have never seen anyone have such as positive impact on students on this campus.”

But for Greg, his success with students has a special source.

“God ordained me to do everything I do,” he said.