Gutierrez honored as October Employee of the Month

It is with pleasure that FCOE honored Lizzie Gutierrez, Facilities Technician, as the October 2016 Employee of the Month.

Lizzie first joined the Fresno County Office of Education family in May 2011 as a temporary Staff Secretary. It didn’t take long for FCOE to realize she was special and she was moved into a permanent position as the Administrative Assistant in the Facilities & Operations department. When the opportunity arose to move to the Facilities Technician position, she jumped at the change. For the past two years, she has been adding her special touch to everything she does.

In all of her positions, Lizzie has become a master of implementing new projects and systems. She has improved countless processes, including room reservations and key checkout, created record retention and filing systems for 40 years’ worth of blueprints and maintains and oversees important building systems such as door controls, fire alarms and cameras. Her attention to detail makes her a perfect fit in her role handling compliance with technical and complex building requirements, including fire department inspections and asbestos regulations.

“I’m a systematic person,” said Lizzie. “I really enjoy technology and in my job I’m able to integrate my technical skills.”

All of these tasks touch other departments in some way and Lizzie is impeccable in her communication and coordination with her colleagues. She is always respectful of her coworkers and takes whatever time necessary to make sure they understand how any project will impact them.

Lizzie is the model of intelligence, dependability, efficiency and is constantly learning. She recently completed the Masters in Public Administration program at Fresno State. Before joining FCOE, Lizzie spent three years in Korea teaching English and was later promoted to hiring teachers.

“I really do think I work in the best department,” said Lizzie of her Facilities colleagues. “We have an attitude of customer service. We are given the opportunity to constantly strive for excellence and that drives me.”