Higher Ed Options at Their Fingertips

On September 14, 2011 The Fresno Area College Night and Environmental Expo, sponsored exclusively by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, gave more than 5,000 students and their parents an opportunity to plan for higher education. Students spoke with representatives from more than 100 colleges including, California State University and University of California campuses, private universities and colleges, community colleges, accredited vocational colleges, and college clubs and organizations. Additionally, representatives from financial planning institutions were available to discuss how to plan, budget and pay for their college career. Throughout the event, students and parents attended workshops focusing on college admissions, financial aid, and other topics of interest to college-bound students. In addition to college planning information, students also had the opportunity to meet with eco-friendly vendors and explore how they can live, learn and thrive in a greener world. For more information on College Night, please visit our website at http://ww2.fcoe.org/specialprojects/collegenight/