June Superintendent’s Superstar shines

June Superintendent’s Superstar shines

Andrew Rene Ramirez is in 2nd grade at St. Anthony’s Catholic School in Fresno. During a Valentine’s Day party at school, Andrew performed the Heimlich maneuver on a classmate when she started choking on a gummy bear. He noticed she was in respiratory distress, unable to talk and grabbing her throat. His quick reaction saved her life.

Andrew was recently honored with proclamations from California Assemblyman Jim Patterson and the City of Fresno for his heroic action. The City of Fresno designated May 17 as Andrew Ramirez Day.

Andrew has also earned the prestigious scouting Meritorious Action award for his quick thinking and life-saving skills. He enjoys learning how to play the piano, is active in karate and hip-hop dance classes and is a member of Cub Scouts Troop 223. In his spare time he enjoys reading, building LEGO sets, playing with his sisters and friends, going to the movies (he is a Star Wars fan) and traveling.