KKEC Students participate in “Entrepreneurship Excitement”

Community partnerships are key to improving public education.  There is no better example of this than the recent Leadership Fresno Class 29 project, which paired high school students with business partners in a 10-week program called “Entrepreneurship Excitement,” through which students developed strategic business plans and presented them to a panel of judges at City Hall. Fresno Suit Outlet and KSEE 24 teamed up to provide each student presenter with a complete business suit for the presentations.

Students from the Kermit Koontz Education Complex, a school for expelled youth, created business proposals ranging from a strategic plan to launch a mobile oil-change business to a project to build a father-son landscape business from scratch. Winning students were awarded scholarships to further their educations or as start-up funds for implementing their business plans.  Leadership Fresno partners described the contest as “the most meaningful and sustainable project in their history.”