Light honored as May Employee of the Month

Light honored as May Employee of the Month

It is with pleasure that the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools honors Holly Light, Orthopedically Impaired Specialist in the Special Education department, as the May 2018 Employee of the Month.

Light always goes above-and-beyond in her position as a teacher for the orthopedically impaired. The OI team of four members covers all of Fresno County helping districts purchase specialized equipment for students needing adaptations in their classroom to access curriculum, including furniture, communication devices and materials. She is well-known and spoken of highly in the districts she serves.

Light is very committed to all students with OI in Fresno County. She teaches classes in her free time to train future teachers of the orthopedically impaired. Because of her nursing background, she regularly assists and advises all of the members of the OI team. She often works on her own time to make sure students and staff have every resource they need for success. Light also works with California Child Services to obtain funding for older students to ensure they have the equipment they need as they move onto other programs.

“I feel like what I do with the child, the family and the school helps make everything possible for that child,” said Light. “Together we can make it happen.”