Servant Leadership Academy created to ‘transform’ lives

After more than one year of careful planning, the Fresno County Office of Education’s Servant Leadership Academy debuted with 54 students gathered at a team-building event on March 25 at Scout Island. The students from eight schools across Fresno County came together to bond over a variety of activities to build trust, including a daunting ropes course. The goal of the year-long academy is to teach students the characteristic of servant leadership through self-awareness.

“The theme of the program is to be transformative,” said Cedric Hardamon, program coordinator. “These students will never be the same. That is what we are promising.”

Hardamon, along with director Manual Escandon of FCOE’s Student Intervention and Prevention department created the curriculum for this unique academy. They will hold monthly meetings with students to teach them a variety of topics, including interpersonal skills, teambuilding and culture. At the end of the academy, Hardamon and Escandon hope to instill in their students the desire to serve their communities and become positive leaders to others.