Yovino takes oath of office

On Thursday, June 20th, with an overflowing audience of colleagues, family and friends, Deputy Superintendent Jim Yovino was appointed Superintendent of Schools by the Fresno County Board of Education. Yovino now begins serving the remainder of an 18 month term left vacant by Superintendent Powell, who retired on June 30th and was there to administer the oath of office.  

As a champion for the success of all children, Yovino later told reporters that he plans to continue advocating for the arts and giving kids more options in school. He also hopes to boost efforts to promote Career Technical Education, focus on attendance and dropout rates, and partner with local business leaders to establish a mentoring program to help at-risk students. 

“I’m just so proud to move into this seat and finish Larry’s term. I can’t say enough about this organization,” said Yovino.