Health Services

Migrant Health

The Migrant Program is a federally funded program that provides educational and health services to identified migrant students. Many Migrant families are unable to obtain well child exams. Barriers may include financial limitations or lack of access to the medical care system.
Mobile clinics are scheduled regularly throughout 25 school districts in Fresno County.
Services may include, but are not limited to:

  • Complete physical exams
  • Follow-up and case management
  • Immunization assessment and referral
  • Hearing and vision screening and referral

Health Services for Special Education

Our nine School Nurses and ten LVN’s provide care & service to students at CTEC, Monte Vista, Ramacher & Sutherland as well as several satellite school sites. They facilitate the care that students need to be able to participate actively in school including but not limited to catheterization, tube feedings, tracheostomy care and suctioning or other procedures needed to keep a medically fragile child in school.


Dianne White, School Nurse
Special Ed Lead Nurse
Phone: (559) 443-4861 x 4287

Health Services

The Health Services Department is part of Educational Leadership and Development.  Our School Nurses and other health professionals provide consultation, collaboration, coordination, and in-service training in health and environmental issues that affect students, staff, schools, and the community.

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